Water Expandable Endodontic Obturation Point–A Review
The Correlation between Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor Crown Length, Facial Height and Body Height and Weight. An Allometric Analysis of 100 Individuals.
Evaluation of 115 Radicular Cysts: Histologic and Etiopathogenic Aspects for Clinicians.
Salivary Cortisol Changes in Children During Simple Dental Procedures.
An In-Vivo Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Propolis, Nano-Hydroxyapatite and Potassium Nitrate Containing Desensitizing Agents.
Extraction and Immediate Implant Placement, and Provisionalization with two Years Follow-up: A Case Report.
Tooth Pain Can Be Indicative of Undiagnosed Atrial Septal Defect.
An Expansile Large Odontogenic Keratocyst Maxilla: A Case Report.
A Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach of a Maxillary Lateral Incisor with a Large Defective Restoration.
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Acquired Maxillofacial Defect: Obturating Residual Oro-Nasal Communication: A Clinical Report.
Maxillary Pyogenic Granuloma: A Case Report.
Guiding Templates for Mini-Implants in Orthodontics: A Systematic Review.
Ketamine: Angel Dust in Pediatric Dental Sedation.
A Journey Since 1899 To 2013 Finding Associations between Tobacco Smoking and Dental Caries.
Medicated Chewing Gum: An Overview.
Radiographic Aids in Implantology: A Review.
Management of Epileptic Patient in an Orthodontic Clinic.
Piezosurgery in Dentistry: A Versatile Tool In Bone Management.
Artifacts in Histopathology: A Potential Cause of Misinterpretation.
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Review.
Rubber Dam Isolation for Endodontic Treatment in Difficult Clinical Situations.
Kurze Kommunikation
BMP4 Gene and Pathophysiology of Cleft Lip and Palate.
A Potent Pre-Medication in Periodontal Surgical Procedures - Ketorolac Tromethamine 10mg: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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