
A Reliable Cloud Data Sharing Scheme Ensuring Security for Frequent Change of Membership

Kanchan Govinda Vaidya, P. Jyotheeswari

The basic service provided by the Cloud is Data Storage. Cloud computing offers efficient, wellorganized and cost-effective solutions for sharing resources between cloud users. However, it is a difficult task for sharing data in multi-owner manner where group manager and all group members can store and modify data while preserving data and identity privacy from an untrusted cloud server, due to the frequent change of the membership. Therefore, a reliable cloud data sharing scheme ensuring security for frequent change of membership have been proposed which involves the integration of group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques. In the meantime, the storage overhead and encryption computation cost are not affected with the number of revoked users. We introduce multiple read and write on the content of data stored and allow data owner to create set of Access Control Policy based on ABAC which helps from different malicious attack.

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