
A Survey of Random Routing Protocol for Load Reduction in MANET's

Tipirneni Venkata Satyanarayana, Dr.syed umar, Vunnam Naresh, Pillarisetty vivek

In the communication Networks many complex problems will occur so to solve those we have many algorithms which give more efficiency and very simple to understand. In this paper a unique algorithm is introduced to solve the drawbacks rise in the routing of MANETS (Mobile Adhoc Networks). In MANETS many existing routing protocols and its performance reduces in the manner of packet delay congestion occurred by the increase the number of nodes than their threshold values. So increase in number of nodes increases the complexity of the network, so the delay in the route discovery and route maintenance. This congestion will occur due to usage protocol like AOVD (Adhoc On Demand Distance vector routing protocol) and DSDV (Direct Sequence Distance Vector Algorithm) to solve the problems caused by the route discovery and route maintenance. So to solve such problems in the MANETS we introduce one algorithm called RANDOM ROUTING PROTOCOL. This algorithm does not maintain any route tables or the control packets. So by this we can reduce the load or traffic at the network/routers. By using some formulae we can easily calculate the runtime of the Random Algorithm.

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