
Anonymous Privacy-Preserving Routing In Location Based Dynamic Ad-Hoc Networks

G.Gokila, Mrs.F.Salma Rosline Mary, M.E., P.Karthikeyan, Mr.A.Suresh Babu,M.E.

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) use anonymous routing protocols that hide node identities and/or routes from outside observers in order to provide anonymity protection. ALERT offer high anonymity protection at a low cost. It also has strategies to effectively counter intersection and timing attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel protocol called Position based Opportunistic Routing (POR) which takes full advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless channel and opportunistic forwarding. This protocol reduces the delay of data delivery between the nodes and improves the packet delivery ratio. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that POR not only achieves outstanding performances in normal situations but also yields excellent resilience in hostile environments.

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