
Balancing Privacy and Security: Navigating the Complexities of Digital Privacy in the Modern World

Mohammed Al-Harthi*, Ahmed Al-Raisi , Ali Al-Humairi

Privacy as we know it has changed dramatically since the start of the internet and the rise of Social Media Networks (SMN), where the Oxford dictionary gave privacy the following definition “the state of being alone and not watched or interrupted by other people”, this statement could be reflected on privacy before the age of SMN since privacy was limited to physical privacy, but now we have a new type of privacy which is the information privacy and we can’t use the same statement to define it, where the data online can be accessed by people or even Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs. With the new type of privacy new challenges, legislations and even human behaviour need to be discussed, implemented or changed. This paper tries to shed some light on the current understanding of privacy, the challenges of privacy in SMN and the laws and regulation that aims to secure this privacy for the people.

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