
Cancer Cell Detection Using Mathematical Morphology

Sivappriya T , Muthukumaran K

Medical images edge detection is an important work for object recognition of the human organs and it is an important pre-processing step in medical image segmentation and 3D reconstruction. Conventionally, edge is detected according to some early brought forward algorithms such as gradient-based algorithm and template-based algorithm, but they are not so good for noise medical image edge detection. In this paper, basic mathematical morphological theory and operations are introduced at first, used for detecting the edges as well as the cancer cells of lungs CT and MRI images. Since, salt and pepper noise are more prevalent in medical images the conventional methods are not effective in filtering salt and pepper noise. In this paper, mathematical morphological operations are used to detect the edges and the cancer cells. Morphological erosion is a very good filter of salt and pepper noise. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient for medical image denoising, edge detection and identification than the usually used templatebased edge detection algorithms and general morphological edge detection algorithms.

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