
Clinical Validation of the Nursing Diagnosis of Labile Emotional Control after Mild and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury

Ana Carla Ferreira Silva dos Santos1*, Edilene Curvelo Hora Mota2, Bruno Melo da Silva3, Valmira dos Santos4, Maria do Socorro Claudino Barreiro1, Rita de Cássia Almeida Vieira5, Carla Kalline Alves Cartaxo Freitas6, Ronei Melo Barbosa7, Nicolau de Jesus Silva3, Viviane Ferreira Silva dos Santos8

Objective: To clinically validate the diagnosis of Labile Emotional Control (00251) after mild and moderate Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 40 patients (two groups of mild and moderate TBI) to evaluate 13 defining characteristics based on the Fehring model. Results: Four and five major characteristics were identified for mild and moderate TBI, respectively. The total diagnosis score was 0.74 on NANDA-I Taxonomy. Conclusion: This validation of the major defining characteristics demonstrates the impact of TBI on the affective/emotional aspects of patients, which emphasizes the need to provide assistance for these individuals. Implications for nursing practice: This study contributes to the improvement of nurses’ practice and quality of assistance provided to TBI patients.