
Data Relay Against Hotspot-Locating Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Mobile Elements

T.Uma Maheswari, K.Ravikumar, Dr.ArokyRaju

In network traffic pattern due to a large volume of packets originating from a small area. Develop a realistic adversary model, assuming that the adversary can monitor the network traffic in multiple area. Introducing a novel attack called Hotspot-Locating where the adversary uses traffic analysis techniques to locate hotspots. The mobile nodes which change their location to better characterize the sensing area, or to forward data from the source nodes to the sink. Using low-cost disposable mobile relays to reduce the total energy consumption of data intensive WSNs. Due to the limited storage capacity of sensor nodes, most data must be transmitted to the base station for archiving and analysis. However, sensor nodes must operate on limited power supplies such as batteries or small solar panels.

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