
Dynamic Economic Dispatch for Power Generation Using Hybrid optimization Algorithm

G.Karthika, Mr.M.Vigneshwaran, M.E.

Dynamic Economic Dispatch (DED) problem is one of the most important ones in power system operation and planning. The main objective of the DED problems is to determine the optimal combination of power outputs of all generating units so as to meet the required demand at minimum cost while satisfying the all constraints. Conventionally, the cost function for each unit in DED problems has been approximately represented by a quadratic function and is solved using mathematical programming techniques. Commonly, these mathematical methods require some marginal cost information to find the global optimal solution. This paper proposes the evolutionary optimization technique namely Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-particle swarm optimization (HGAPSO), which is generic population based probabilistic search optimization algorithm using 6 bus system and can be applied to real world problem are respectively applied to solve an DED problem.

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