
Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Brain Using Statistical Parameters and Its Derivatives

C. K. Smitha, N. K. Narayanan

The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a record of the oscillations of brain electric potentials, reveals the synaptic action that strongly co-relate with brain state. In this paper we tried to understand the changes in brain by analyzing statistical and Hijroth parameters of single channel EEG, mean and standard deviation of signal’s derivatives while using mobile phone. EEG of 10 volunteers was recorded at rest and on exposure to radiofrequency (RF) emissions from two mobile phones having different SAR values. Student’s paired t- test is used to analyze the data set with average values of feature parameters; null hypothesis is rejected in all the cases. The samples from different conditions act as they were from different population; this shows the changes in feature parameter while using mobile phone.

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