
Efficient Energy Reduction and Enhancing Security Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing

B.Sudhanantham, M.Shankar

Mobile cloud computing usually consists of front-end users who possess mobile devices and back-end cloud server. This paradigm empowers users to pervasively access a large volume of storage resources with portable devices in a distributed and cooperative way. During the period between uploading and downloading files (data), the privacy and integrity of files need to be guaranteed. To this end, families of schemes are proposed for different situation. All scheme are lightweight in terms of computational overhead resilient to storage compromise on mobile devices, and do not assume that trust cloud servers are present. We firstly propose an encryption based scheme for the situation of single accessible CS. Next, we propose a coding based scheme for the situation that multiple CSs are available without relying on encryption. We finally propose a sharing based scheme to further decrease the computation overhead by only relying on exclusive-or operation. Also we extend our work to energy consumptions. We provide an analysis of the critical factors affecting the energy consumption of mobile clients in cloud computing.

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