
Electro Coagulation Based Mobile Water Filtration Robot

Aashish Vatsyayan , B.Hemalatha

The employment of electro chemistry for water purification holds many merits as it is possible to break the impurity down to micro level and separate it from water. This is needed most in cases of water filtration in real world scenarios such as polluted lakes, oil spills in water or even dyes being dumped into water bodies. Though electrochemical methods can be efficient in separation of impurities there arises an issue of its implementation outside laboratory and in dynamic environment along with the time constraint. The paper is focusing on electro coagulation as an effective method for separation of impurities such as dyes, algae and oil from water by first developing a downscale electro coagulation reactor and second by mobilizing it to operate in water bodies, the aim is to develop a robotic system which can be used for water filtration in real world scenarios employing an electro coagulation reactor.