
Evaluating the Impact of Routing and Queuing Techniques on the QoS of VoIP Over IP/MPLS Networks

Azeddien M. Sllame, Mohamed Aljafari

this paper describes performance evaluation of VoIP over IP/MPLS networks using OPNET tool. The simulation study is completed by running VoIP application in different network scenarioswith different interior routing protocols; namely: RIP, OSPF and EIGRP and with different queuing techniques to measure quality of service. However, the main network model is built of TCP/IP routers with MPLS routers in the core of the network case study (middle). This model enables different TCP/IP networks communicating to each other through the MPLS core routers. The following performance parameters: the delay (jitter) (sec), packet delay variation, packet end-to-end delay (sec), and number of packets sent/received are used to compare the efficiency of different networks.

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