
Frequency of Hypercementosis in 1254 Extracted Permanent Human Teeth: Biological Explanation and Clinical Implication

Madukwe IU

Background: Hypercementosis is an excessive formation of cementum above and beyond the extent necessary to fulfill its normal functions, resulting in abnormal thickening and changes in the macroscopic shape of the root. Methodology: 1,254 human teeth collected from Department of Oral Surgery and Pathology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital over 10-year period were analyzed for hypercementosis. Deciduous and fractured teeth were excluded from the total number of teeth examined. Result: Result revealed that the frequency of hyercementosis was more in the molars (18.26%) followed by the premolars (7.34%) and least was the caries (2.23%). Conclusion: Further detailed studies on the impact of age-related increase in cementum thickness on the biology of induced tooth movement is required.

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