
Load Balancing in Structured Peer to Peer Systems


Over the past few years, peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have rapidly grown in popularity and have become a dominant means for sharing resources. In these systems, load balancing is a key challenge because nodes are often heterogeneous. While several load-balancing schemes have been proposed in the literature, these solutions are typically ad hoc, heuristic based, and localized. In this paper, we present a general framework, HiGLOB, for global load balancing in structured P2P systems. Each node in HiGLOB has two key components: 1) a histogram manager maintains a histogram that reflects a global view of the distribution of the load in the system, and 2) a load-balancing manager that redistributes the load whenever the node becomes overloaded or under loaded. We exploit the routing metadata to partition the P2P network into no overlapping regions corresponding to the histogram buckets. We propose mechanisms to keep the cost of constructing and maintaining the histograms low. We further show that our scheme can control and bound the amount of load imbalance across the system. We propose a new framework, called Histogram-based Global Load Balancing (HiGLOB) to facilitate global load balancing in structured P2P systems. Each node P in HiGLOB has two key components. The first component is a histogram manager that maintains a histogram that reflects a global view of the distribution of the load in the system. The histogram stores statistical information that characterizes the average load of no overlapping groups of nodes in the P2P network. These nodes are connected to P through its neighbor nodes. The histogram information can be used for two purposes. On one hand, it is used to determine if a node is normally loaded, overloaded, or under loaded. On the other hand, it is used to facilitate the discovery of a lightly loaded node or a heavily loaded node for the load-balancing process when it is needed. The second component of the system is a load-balancing manager that takes actions to redistribute the load whenever a node becomes overloaded or under loaded.

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