
Node Transmission Power Value Optimization in MANET

Mehajabeen Fatima,Ankita Tiwari*

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is normally recognized in zones someplace infrastructural services such as base station, routers etc. do not happen or have been damaged due to natural hardship. They have numerous pressures such as bandwidth, computational volume and battery power of each node as of their infrastructure-less nature. Power preservation is serious to appropriate actions of MANET. Countless scientists have been provided several mechanisms to diminish the power consumption variable transmission range of nodes are one such tool taken into interpretation. This paper studies the impact transmission range of routing protocols by designing a simulator in Qualnet. We note an obvious impact of variable transmission range on power consumption. All extra protocols are defined in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDF), End-To-End Delay (ETED), average jitter rate, throughput etc.

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