
Optimized Data Transmission from Cloud to Society by Mapreduce

S.P.Prasanth and P.G.Kathiravan

The Big data is a very big issue in our current world. In every social websites and social communities are using data in the enlarged way. The data may be larger and cannot be controlled at anyway, any situation at the rate of increasing internet users. The big data is a characterized by two types they are structured and unstructured. The structured means data used in the correct way and efficient to use in the medical, Engineering and other fields, unstructured means data which can be used at unwanted issues and social communities and other sources. That type of way we call it as big data and ensure that three dimensions are volume, velocity, velocity. In this paper fully based upon the MapReduceTechnique. In this technique which can be used to optimizing the path, which is an efficient path to sending the data’s and retrieve the data’s from the cloud. In theway to present a various indulged logic to be executed in this data file, which data to be inherited over the atmosphere cannot be controlled over the technique, few of optimized data to be availing the various facilities over the data transmission. The crucial data may be enlarging over the optimized over that geo map reducing technique. The atmospherically data changed at the time by time, in this situation the data may be lose, so to use the big data concept means to control over the losses of data.