
Performance Analysis of AODV and DSR in MANETS Using NS2 Simulation

D. Deepthi Veronica, D.B.Jagannadha Rao

A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a temporary network without using any existing infrastructure i.e., nodes are connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. The wireless communication medium has variable and unpredictable characteristics. Furthermore, node mobility creates a continuously changing communication topology in which paths break and new one form dynamically We propose various protocol independent metrics to capture interesting mobility characteristics, including spatial and temporal dependence and geographic restrictions. In addition, a rich set of parameterized mobility models is introduced including Random Waypoint, Group Mobility, Freeway and Manhattan models. Based on these models several test-suite scenarios are chosen carefully to span the metric space. By using NS2 we evaluated various MANET routing protocols, including DSR, AODV and DSDV. Our results show that the protocol performance may vary drastically across mobility models and performance rankings of protocols may vary with the mobility models used. The present paper focuses on study and performance evaluation of these categories using NS2 simulations. We have considered qualitative and quantitative criteria.

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