
Privacy Aware Protocol for Spontaneous Ad hoc Network

Elakkiya.M, CatherinJenifer.SAnandhaKumar.M

Ad-hoc network must operate independent of a pre-established or centralized network management infrastructure, providing administrative services needed to support applications. Address allocation, name resolution, service location, authentication, and access control policies represent some of the functionalities that support without reconfiguration or centralized services. In order to solve these problems the notion of spontaneous network is created for some collaborative activity among the group of peoples involved. A secure protocol is presented for spontaneous wireless ad hoc network and uses a hybrid symmetric/asymmetric scheme to exchange the initial data and secret keys are used to encrypt the data in the network. The Boneh and Mykletun protocols are complete self-configured to create the network and share secure services without any infrastructure. The Protocol includes all functions needed to operate without any external support. Network creation stages explains the communication, network management and protocol messages .The Boneh and Mykletun protocols are implemented to test the working procedure, performance of the network and for the secure data transmission.

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Internationales Institut für organisierte Forschung (I2OR)

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