Mayank Dev Singh, Swati Singh, Abhishek Chokshi, Harshad Chavan, Dhrudipsinh Dabhi
Nowadays, manufacturing industries throughout the world are interested in lean manufacturing philosophy. This project is based on lean manufacturing tools like 5S, Kaizen and Visualization. 5S is tool to ensuring systematic organizational environment, Kaizen is continuous improvement through small steps to obtain economical result of the organization and Visualization is technique of creating images, diagrams or animations of firmâ�?�?s activity which are helpful and effective way of communication for all people connected with firm. This project is intended to utilize these tools and come up with integrated approach. Also to reduce abnormality in organization by applying ergonomics for various working positions of employees which improve the productivity, by applying it at pipe manufacturing industry “Sandvik Asia Pvt. Ltd, Mehsana, Gujarat”. Owner of firm is also interested to implement this concept; hence as an industrial perspective this project will give us knowledge that how the practical implementations of lean concepts takes place