
Secured Crypto-Stegano Communication through Unicode and Triple DES

Ms.M.Kavitha, Ms.S.Kawsalya

Cryptography is a way to provide security to the message which is passed between the sender and the receiver. It uses various algorithms to convert the actual message to an unreadable form. Steganography is an art of hiding the message in an medium. The medium can be audio, video, image or even a graph. It gives the security through the medium. The crypto-stegno communication uses both cryptography and steganography to send the message secretly from the sender to the receiver. This paper shows the usage of how message from sender is encrypted using triple DES through Unicode and hide the encrypted image into an stego image.. On the receiver end, extraction algorithm is designed in such a way that the process separates the message and image into two different entities; then reads the extracted message which is in the encrypted form and transforms it from the Unicode symbols to a readable form. The method is defined as undetectable, strong and secured communication of data related to the multimedia image. Thus any confidential message can be send to any target without the knowledge of others through an unsecured communication channel. This encoding and decoding scheme of the proposed new method is significantly different as compared to traditional schemes.

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