
Secured information Hiding Enhancement with Block Based PVD Steganography Techniques

Mr. Dinesh D. Patil , Prof.S.M.Bansode

We have proposed a method to hiding a text data into cover image .This techniques is applicable for both the gray scale & color images. The proposed framework works on pixel value differencing, as the cover image is divided into blocks and then embeds the text message using the difference values, of two consecutive pixels of each block. In a color image every pixel value is composed of red, green and blue components which are use to embed the text message and each of which ranges from 0 to 255 in case of 8-bit representation. We extend block based PVD from two to four and eight pixel block size for increasing embedding capacity secret text data and increasing security. This enhances the hiding capacity of cover image and quality of stego-image that cannot be perceived by human eyes. PSNR is calculate image quality after text message embedded in to images and it provides a large embedding capacity in bits.

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