
Understanding how to prevent diseases

Rachna Chhachhi   

When we say that we want to ageless, it is never about getting fewer wrinkles, though that would be a wel­come side-effect! It is about our organs ageing and our body itching and inviting degenerative diseases. The reason that type two diabetes or certain cancers are called lifestyle diseases is because these were original­ly degenerative diseases which we could get after the age of 65 years if he aged under normal circumstances. But now, since the 1970s, when the food industry formalised convenience packaged foods and when we all began to have these frenzied, stressed out lives, and sort out these convenience foods to save our time and fill our stomachs, the process of ageing has accelerated drastically, the energy levels have dipped enormously, leaving us exhausted, with low immunity, accelerated ageing and higher rate of disease. And that is why, type two diabetes, which was called late onset diabetes in the 1970’s is today known as type two diabetes, classified as a lifestyle disease. That is why 70% plus cancers are lifestyle related. Look around you. You will find so many people with hormonal cancers, stomach cancers, thyroid cancers, oral cancers. All these cancers are related to the kind of lifestyle we lead, what we are putting inside our body and our mind. Yes, it is not just physical nutrition that impacts disease inside our body. The first signs of our body are being ready for disease is fatigue, pain. Unexplained pain and fatigue make us vulnerable to disease. But how many of us stop and think about changing our lifestyle at that stage? Don’t we wait for an alarm signal or a diagnosis? Why? Why can’t we focus on the quality of life that we want, why can’t we want to wake up fresh every day without being shown as food banking over our heads, a fear of death, that will motivate us to eat healthier, exercise and reduce stress levels? Stress itself is the biggest trigger for disease. Research has continuously over the last five years mapped stress to switching on our disease trigger and reduction in stress has shown repair in our DNA and lower disease ac­tivity, even in the most chronic diseases including cancer. Thus, if we listen to the unexplained pains and treat them, we are treating the underlying stress which is the cause of the disease. This preventive nutrition treat­ment can be done in five ways, which I will be discussing in my talk. A combination of these five has clinically shown to reduce pain, inflammation markers, sugar levels in the blood, high cholesterol, triggered weight loss in obese people, and shown a healthier heart for people with heart risk conditions like hypertension and anx­iety. Preventive health reduces hospital & insurance costs. But most of all, it increases the quality of life of the person following these 5 principles and living each day with high energy and reduced disease activity, leading to slower ageing process.