Optimization of Helical Coil Heat Exchanger as a Waste Recovery System for Efficient Fuel Consumption
An Analysis for Measure of Effectiveness of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Simulation
Leistungsanalyse von FSO-Modulationsschemata mit Diversity-Empfang über einen atmosphärischen Turbulenzkanal
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Eine Querschnittsstudie: Partikelschwarmoptimierung
Numerische Modellierung und Auswertung des Phänomens eines Dammbruchs (Fallstudie: Taleghan-Damm)
Design of Voltage-Speed Controller for Grid Connected Wind Power Applications
Experimental Study on Pan Based Composites with Multi Filler Material
Methods of Demand Site Management and Demand Response
Extracting the Key Capabilities for Technology Exploitation Using a Joint Analysis of Internal and External Environments
Comparative Performance and Emission Analysis of Different Blends of Karanja Oil and Its Methyl Ester in a Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine
Antimikrobielle Bio-Vliesstoffe für Augenverbände und Windeln für Säuglingsinkubatoren
Thermodynamische Einblicke in die Dissoziationswege chlorierter Alkylsulfide: Computergestützte Quanten
Bürstenloses Erregersystem des Turbogenerators
A Novel Review on Biometric System Based on Digital Signal Processing
Biosensors: A New Era in Disease Diagnosis and Industrial Biotechnology
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