
Apprising Techniques of Minimal Processing

Gowri Shankar,Jeevitha P and Shadeesh L

The post-harvest treatment to preserve several food items may lead to change in chemical and physical properties, this may results in change in organoleptic properties and sometimes lead to swelling (causes deterioration). Minimal processing is the technique involving mild heat treatment and preservation of food items using various methods that cause least change while processing. In this review, the selected techniques of minimal processing used in various food industries are focussed. The major problem while processing food materials are change in organoleptic properties, by taken this into consideration packaging techniques involving controlled atmospheric packaging and gas flushing along with the combination of several techniques based on the nature of food items are also brought under this processing techniques. Edible film and coating such as protein based coating, composite coatings are plays a major role among all other minimal processing techniques. This review provides a basic information and overall view on selected minimal processing techniques.